If you are interested, please email Chuck at elexsys.cg@att.net to verify your current address and to let him know that you are putting a check for $30 in USPS to him. Make the check payable to “Class of 1966” and mail to Chuck at 85 Covenant Way, Bumpass, VA 23024-4617.

Class Treasurer, Chuck Grutzius, has been asked by several of you about the embroidered ’66 Class Crest he often wears on his blazer pocket. After tracking down the original supplier he ordered a supply for interested Classmates. The cost is $60, which includes shipping and handling, from Chuck.

If you are interested, please email Chuck at elexsys.cg@att.net to verify your current address and to let him know that you are putting a check for $60 in USPS to him. Make the check payable to “Class of 1966” and mail to Chuck at 85 Covenant Way, Bumpass, VA 23024-4617.


To obtain one of the limited “Summer Special” items from the Ship’s Store:

  1. Email Chuck Grutzius at elexsys.cg@att.net with the item(s) you would like to obtain
  2. Chuck will confirm if item(s) is still available
  3. Once you receive confirmation, email your mailing address to Chuck Grutzius at elexsys.cg@att.net
  4. Chuck will send your item(s). NOTE: there is no charge for the gifts and shipping is free.