News, Events & More

Key Outcomes from Council of Class Presidents

Posted: 12/9/2021

Click HERE to read the Supe’s Brief and draft minutes from the Fall 2021 Council of Class Presidents. Also, interestingly, we’ve included a Brief on Hopper Hall, a legacy project of the great Class of 1966.

Carl Fulford issues Fall Letter to update Class of 1966

Posted: 12/6/2021

Click HERE to access Carl’s letter describing USNA happenings including facilities, athletics and much more.

Tampa COMEAROUND a HUGE success!

Posted: 11/2/2021

Bravo Zulu to Waye & Lynne Lynn and Mike and Elliott Smith for a fantastic Comearound in Tampa, Florida 27-29 October. Their perseverance and hard work definitely paid off as all in attendance had a fantastic time. More to follow but in the interim, Click HERE for initial photos.

Please note, if others have additional pictures of the Comearound they would like to share, please email them to

Class Presents GONZALEZ Leadership Awards

Posted: 11/1/2021

Click HERE for photos and a brief write-up of the USS GONZALEZ Leadership Awards ceremony that was held 21 September in Norfolk.

Preparing a Spouse for Survivorship: Time-sensitive resource

Posted: 10/12/2021

NEW Webcast: Preparing a Spouse for Survivorship
Is your spouse prepared if you predecease her? Does she know what notifications need to be made, and to who? What about understanding the benefit programs that may apply to a survivor?

Visit the Resources page on this website – scroll down to the new Survivor Benefits information in RED and click on the link to the webcast. Please note: this webcast will only be available through early November, 2021.

55th (+1) Reunion Update

Posted: 10/1/2021

USNA66 Reunion hotel room blocks are NOW OPEN. Make your hotel reservations today in one of the 3 official reunion hotels by visiting the reunion website: CLICK HERE.

Also available on the reunion website is:

  • Schedule of Events
  • Updated Battalion/Company List
  • and more…

Wreaths Across America at USNA

Posted: 9/20/2021

Nine years ago Wreaths Across America (WAA) was started at USNA at the request of a gold star Mom and Dad. We started out slow the first two years, but for the last 7 years, thanks to your generosity, we have been able to lay a remembrance wreath for each headstone and the entire columbarium during the wreath-laying ceremony in December.

The wreaths are donated by each of you and I truly appreciate your kindness. Every year I hear stories from roommates who want to honor that bond formed so many years ago, grandchildren that can’t be here but want to honor their grandparents, and gold star families who lost a loved one way too soon. They are so grateful that we can do this to honor and remember the special person they knew and loved.

The ceremony will be Friday December 10, 2021 TTD. (probably about 0900) This is the day before the Army Navy game. At this point we are unsure of the complete details, due to COVID, and will wait until closer to the date to see what USNA will permit for attendance. We are hoping that things will be open and that we will be allowed to have as many as would like to attend to lay the wreaths.

For more information and to donate, visit, scroll down to "Sponsor Wreaths".

Thank you for your support. Carol Turman, Coordinator WAA-USNA. 

Action: Reunion Survey

Posted: 8/31/2021

The USNA Class of 1966 Executive Committee just launched a brief survey to ascertain key information needed to plan a successful 55th (+1) reunion.

Please take 4 minutes (that’s really all it takes) to complete the survey. While you may see the survey link multiple times (emails, website, etc.), take it only once – one and done.

We value your input and hope that you can attend the 1-4 September 2022 reunion of the great Class of 1966. Please note that hotel reservations will open on 1 October 2021.

Click HERE for the 55th (+1) Reunion Survey.

21 Sept USS GONZALEZ Leadership Awards Ceremony

Posted: 8/24/2021

The 2021 Leadership Awards Ceremony for USS GONZALEZ will be held on Tuesday, 21 September at 1030 hours on board USS GONZALEZ at Norfolk Naval Station. Carl Fulford will be representing the Class and will make the awards.

Charles Votava will be the POC in the Tidewater area for Classmates. Click HERE for details including the SOE.

For more information on the Class of 1966 Leadership Awards Click HERE.

Investigation completed. 18 Midshipmen separated.

Posted: 8/20/2021

The United States Naval Academy announced on 20 August 2021 that it had completed the adjudications of honor violations that occurred during the SP211 General Physics I exam taken primarily by second year midshipmen in December 2020. Ultimately, 18 midshipmen were separated from the Naval Academy. Click HERE to read more.

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