News, Events & More

2024 USS GONZALEZ Leadership Awards

Posted: 12/30/2024

The annual events for presentation of the Class ’66 Leadership Awards to a USS GONZALEZ junior officer and an enlisted sailor occurred Monday and Tuesday, 18 and 19 November 2024.

For the complete write-up and photos of the presentation as well as photos of the Monday evening ’66 soiree at Villa Votava, Click HERE.

Army Navy Game 2024

Posted: 12/12/2024

Pre-GONZALEZ Soiree at Votavas (18 Nov)

Posted: 11/17/2024

DETAILS of USNA Class of 1966 annual evening gathering before the USS GONZALEZ (DDG 66) ceremony:

  • WHEN: Monday evening, 18 November 2024
    1600 to 1900 (allows travelers a jump on rush hour and tunnel traffic)
  • WHERE: Villa Votava (for address call 757-499-0259)
    Tony & Linda Franzitta
    Trudy Hoff
    Tom & Faye Martin
    Mary Mobley
    Charlie & Peggy Pfeifer
    Rob & Joyce Ploeger
    Lori Scarbrough
    John Sigler
    Hank Strickland
    Bob Titcomb and Carole Steinberg
    Charlie & Sharon Votava* (host and hostess with the most and mostess!)
    Caroline Betz (neighbor guest photographer)
    If parking in driveway, pull all the way up to the garage door and subsequent cars close it up (should be able to park 3 cars in driveway).
    Recommend parking perpendicular to curb on the left and right of driveway. After that, park parallel to curb in the cul-de-sac

CHANGES to GONZALEZ 19 Nov Ceremony

Posted: 11/16/2024

The previous driving recommendations to base gate Nr and GONZALEZ berth are no longer valid. See new directions and Wx forecast below.

However, if you are driving into the area through the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel construction zone, previous comments are still germane, plus you need get on the road back thru the HRBT ASAP after the ceremony – expect to be in stop and go immediately upon entering I-64 North.

Classmates if there are any more cancellations, please let Charlie Votava know ASAP.


1030 (about) 66ers arrive and assemble in CO’s Stateroom
1100 Ceremony on flight deck
1130 Lunch in the Wardroom
1300 Class ’66 depart
1310 Class ‘66 assemble at bow with ship’s photographer for photo with hull number in background.


  • I-64 to I-564 Naval Base
  • Take I-564 all the way to Hampton Blvd stoplight
  • Left on to Hampton Blvd, get in right lane
  • Right turn at stoplight into Gate 5 security gate
  • Thru Gate 5 stay on “B” Avenue to stoplight at 2nd St.
  • Right on 2nd St to stoplight at Taussig Blvd (dead ends at Taussig)
  • Left onto Taussig follow around curve to right past Pier 6 to Pier 7


Partly sunny, Temp mid 60’s, winds abt 5mph. Expect temps a little cooler and slightly more windy (flight deck is to seaward).

USNA Updates from Class Prez

USNA Class of 1966 President, Jim Long, shared highlights of the recent Council of Presidents’ Meeting. Click HERE for some interesting updates.

Navy Football ON A ROLL!

Posted: 10/21/2024

For those of us who were not able to travel to Annapolis on 19 Oct for the fabulous WIN against Charlotte, here are some special perspectives from the Great Class of 1966!

For those who missed the tailgate today, we had more than 50 people signed up. We won the game and the tailgate! Here is a link to a quick tailgate video, which includes the cheerleaders and a couple of 2016 grads (Guy Williams and Nathaniel Webb).

Wild game on Saturday in Annapolis. This team appears to be for real. I don’t think they have had anything like it since Roger was there, and we had a front row seat for it. It seems like yesterday, that we were down to William and Mary at half-time in late Sept. 1962, and Ron Clement was foundering, and after halftime, No. 12 from our Company, ran out of the field with a change of QB’s by Coach Elias.  Roger the Dodger, and the rest was history.

I found a 51 yr. old Shipmate, October, 1973, and thought you’d enjoy a little trip down memory lane. They were quite short in those days, but our Shipmates might enjoy this one.  Hope everyone is excited about this Season, as we are, quite amazing to say the least. Go Navy, Beat Notre Dame.  All the best, Robert G. Johnson (6th Company)

Classmates, spouses and widows are encouraged to chime in to inform and support the USNA-66 “cheering section” for a continued winning season in 2024! Email your input/photos to Be sure to include your full name and company.

Dick Plotkin’s Transformative Journey

Posted: 10/19/2024

’66 Classmates and spouses gathered via Zoom on Tues 15 Oct 2024 to hear Classmate Richard (Dick) Plotkin (11th Company) describe his experience walking the Camino de Santiago, the Way of St. James. Dick spent about six weeks traveling some 500 miles on foot along the Camino Frances, or French route, from St. Jean Pied de Port, France to Santiago de Copostela in Spain.

Following the loss of his wife, Patricia, Dick shares how this journey allowed him to confront his grief and embrace life anew. He emphasizes the importance of travel and physical activity in coping with life’s changes, highlighting the camaraderie among diverse pilgrims he met along the way.


Posted: 10/18/2024

The evening reception and the onboard ceremony, originally scheduled for 22 and 23 Oct, respectively, have been rescheduled to 18 and 19 Nov.

Sharon and Charlie Votava (17th Company) will host the evening gathering on Monday evening 18 Nov, probably the same time, 1600 to 1900. Details at later date. The onboard ceremony will be held on Tuesday 19 Nov as originally scheduled 1000 to 1300.

1. For all those who planned to attend the 22 and 23 Oct events please RSVP to me no later than Wednesday 30 Oct to confirm you will still attend or not attend either or both events on 18 and 19 Nov.

2. If any other Classmates would like to attend the onboard ceremony 19 Nov and any Classmates and widows would like to attend the reception at our home on 18 Nov, the reservations are reopened. Please RSVP to me (Charlie) no later than Wed, 30 Oct and include the number who will attend.

DATE CHANGE for USS GONZALEZ Leadership Awards


Based upon a delay in their maintenance period, and a rescheduled U/W period, GONZALEZ requested us to change the date for the Leadership Awards ceremony to November. As you are aware, it is our policy not to interfere with Ship’s routine and to accommodate any changes to their schedule.

The revised date for the ceremony is Tuesday, 19 November 2024.

15 Oct: Richard Plotkin’s 500 mile pilgrimage

Posted: 10/9/2024

October 2025 marks the 5th anniversary of Classmate Richard Plotkin’s (11th Company) 500 mile foot pilgrimage across France’s Pyrenees Mountains to Santiago de Compostela, Spain: the Camino de Santiago. Richard’s wife of 52 years, Pat, died suddenly the year before this journey of remembrance, assessment and discovery of a way forward.

Dick has offered to share his physical and spiritual journey with us during a ZOOM session on Tuesday 15 October at 2 PM ET. Richard, who has now remarried, will do more than “talk the walk”, as he takes us on both his physical journey and the digital blog he operated during his travels.

The pilgrimage to the Spanish shrine of the apostle St. James is one of the major Christian paths developed during the middle ages for a variety of religious reasons. Background for the walk can be found on the internet for those interested in its history. Today the 200,000 plus who make the walk each year have various motivations for participation that go beyond religious.

This presentation is being offered as part of the Class Wellness program for its focus upon travel, physical activity and addressing major life changes and will be recorded, as usual. 

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