News, Events & More

STAT! Time-sensitive announcements from Class Prez

Posted: 3/20/2024
  1. Live Video Event TODAY, 20 March at 1600 Eastern. “Becoming a Caregiver, What the VA Does; Hospice, Medicare, Tri-Care for Life (Shirl Rollins, Don Jackson and guest Colleen Shields from Hospice of the Chesapeake). Zoom Link:
  2. Tuesday, 9 April, Classmate (and former Navy JAG) Admiral Rick Grant will have experts discuss the LEGAL ISSUES (trusts, wills, etc.) of which we need to be aware as we prepare to end our voyage in this life.
  3. Honoring our fallen Classmates: we would like to make a strong effort to locate and invite family members of our lost Classmates to the Honor Our Fallen Heroes (HOFH) event at USNA this coming November (Saturday, 16 November 2024). As you may recall, ’66 had the most Killed in Action (KIA) of any Class since 1945. Combined with those who perished in operational events, we had a total of 36 Classmates lost. 
    • Details are reflected on the Virtual Memorial Hall. Despite the half-century that has passed, and thanks to the efforts of a few Classmates, four (4)* of those families were located and attended last year’s event – the largest of any Class.
    • The challenge is that the Alumni Association has located information on less than 1/5 of our lost Classmates. That’s not surprising given the passage of time and the fact that most if not all parents are gone. We ask that you go to the Virtual Memorial Hall website, look through the list, and see if you have any contact information that might allow the Alumni Association to reach and invite a larger group of family members.

Thanks for your attention and Blessings,
Vice Admiral Scott Redd
President US Naval Academy Class of 1966

* Lieutnant Victor Patrick Buckley, 2nd Lietenant John W. Doherty, Major Dean H. Matzko and Lieutenant Junior Grade Douglas D. Vaughan

Redd Updates Classmates in February Letter

Posted: 2/22/2024

Class President Scott Redd issued a letter describing several Class of 1966 related updates including:

  • Honor our Fallen Heroes (HOFH) event at which four (4) of those honored were from the Class of 1966;
  • Navy Sports News Story on the historic 1963 Cotton Bowl football team including several from our Class;
  • Change of Command ceremony on GONZALEZ (DDG-66);
  • Numerous time-sensitive updates on the USNA ’66 new Wellness initiative; and
  • Invitation from the USMA Class of 1966 to join them on a Caribbean cruise next year to watch the Army-Navy Game at sea.

60th Reunion – Save the Date!

Posted: 2/6/2024

The Class of 1966 Executive Committee has unanimously approved the dates for our 60th Reunion in Annapolis, MD. The dates are Thursday, Oct 1st through Sunday, Oct 4th, 2026

During the weekend of Oct 1st thru 4th, we have the N* Room at the Stadium reserved for our Tailgate Party to WATCH Navy beat Air Force at Air Force. The game with Air Force is one of the very few dates that are locked in for the 2026 football season. Stay tuned for more information as we are working on other aspects of the Reunion.

2024 Class Luncheon Dates Announced

Posted: 12/13/2023

Our quarterly Class Luncheons are an important part of the comradery for The Class of 1966. We have luncheons each quarter of the year except for the fourth quarter*. The luncheons are on Wednesdays scheduled from 1100 to about 1400. 

Save the dates for 2024:

  • Wednesday, 14 Feb @ Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, VA
  • Wednesday, 8 May @ Fleet Reserve Club, Annapolis, MD
  • Wednesday, 14 Aug @ Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, VA

All Classmates and spouses are invited to attend. As we get closer to the luncheon dates, additional information will be promulgated with the Guest Speaker and sign-up information. The cost for the luncheons will remain the same as 2023 at $45 per person.

In the meantime, should anyone have any questions, please e-mail Chuck Grutzius at

*We do not hold a Class Luncheon in the fourth quarter due to football tailgates being held for Home games.

’66 Classmates Invited to Change of Command

Posted: 12/12/2023

The Commanding Officer of USS GONZALEZ (DDG 66), CDR Erik Reynolds, USN, has cordially invited members of The Class of 1966 to attend his Change of Command ceremony on Thursday, 28 December 2023, at 1000.  He is being relieved by CDR Kate Stegner, USN, who very recently was the XO on GONZALEZ and is now fleeting up to CO.  Both CDR Reynolds and CDR Stegner are outstanding senior officers and are and have been extremely friendly and welcoming to The Class of 1966 during many Leadership Awards ceremonies. A reception will be held immediately after the ceremony.

Click HERE for a link to the digital invitation and RSVP.

USNA 66 Wives Support Wreaths Across America

Posted: 11/29/2023

It is with gratitude and love that the wives of the
United States Naval Academy, Class of 1966,
honor the memory of all those who served their country.
May we never forget their sacrifice and the selfless support
of their spouses and families.   

Classmates Discuss Heart Fitness

’66 Classmate Frank Day 25 presented a brief overview on Exercise Fitness and mortality risk. The risk is substantial when one compares the very unfit to the very fit. Frank describes an easy way of estimating your own current fitness level and where this puts you on the risk continuum. Plus, he shares strategies to improve your risk should you become motivated. Click HERE to access the presentation and Q&A with ’66 Classmates.

2023 Class of ’66 Leadership Awards Presented

Posted: 11/27/2023

Thursday, 26 October, Classmate RADM John Sigler presented the USNA Class 1966 Leadership Awards to ET1 (SW) Dylan Wilkins and LT Riley Brosnan on board USS GONZALEZ (DDG 66) at Naval Station, Norfolk, VA. Classmates present at the ceremony were: Tony Franzitta, Chuck Grutzius, Rob Ploeger, Hank Strickland, and Charlie Votava.

For more information and photos, Click HERE.

Classmates Discuss Continuing Care Retirement Communities

Posted: 11/1/2023

The topic of the 31 October Classmate Zoom addressed a possible next move along life’s continuum into a continuing care facility. Click HERE to access the recording. Click HERE to obtain more background on the concept, a summary of the recording and related Q&A.

Staubach Honored With ’63 Cotton Bowl Team on 21 October

Posted: 10/24/2023

Roger Staubach was honored during the 21 October Navy-Air Force game at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. His #12 was placed on the turf at the 12-yard line, on the opposite ends of Joe Bellino’s #27 that was placed on the turf in 2019. Bellino (1960) and Staubach (1963) are Navy’s only two Heisman Trophy winners.

“I don’t know if any season in my life was as good as 1963,” said Staubach, who won two Super Bowls, played in four and earned a Super Bowl MVP honor during his 11 seasons with the Dallas Cowboys. “Every time we get together like this, it’s more special.”

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