News, Events & More
Navy Football ON A ROLL!
Posted: 10/21/2024

For those of us who were not able to travel to Annapolis on 19 Oct for the fabulous WIN against Charlotte, here are some special perspectives from the Great Class of 1966!

For those who missed the tailgate today, we had more than 50 people signed up. We won the game and the tailgate! Here is a link to a quick tailgate video, which includes the cheerleaders and a couple of 2016 grads (Guy Williams and Nathaniel Webb).
Wild game on Saturday in Annapolis. This team appears to be for real. I don’t think they have had anything like it since Roger was there, and we had a front row seat for it. It seems like yesterday, that we were down to William and Mary at half-time in late Sept. 1962, and Ron Clement was foundering, and after halftime, No. 12 from our Company, ran out of the field with a change of QB’s by Coach Elias. Roger the Dodger, and the rest was history.
I found a 51 yr. old Shipmate, October, 1973, and thought you’d enjoy a little trip down memory lane. They were quite short in those days, but our Shipmates might enjoy this one. Hope everyone is excited about this Season, as we are, quite amazing to say the least. Go Navy, Beat Notre Dame. All the best, Robert G. Johnson (6th Company)

Classmates, spouses and widows are encouraged to chime in to inform and support the USNA-66 “cheering section” for a continued winning season in 2024! Email your input/photos to Be sure to include your full name and company.
Dick Plotkin’s Transformative Journey
Posted: 10/19/2024
’66 Classmates and spouses gathered via Zoom on Tues 15 Oct 2024 to hear Classmate Richard (Dick) Plotkin (11th Company) describe his experience walking the Camino de Santiago, the Way of St. James. Dick spent about six weeks traveling some 500 miles on foot along the Camino Frances, or French route, from St. Jean Pied de Port, France to Santiago de Copostela in Spain.
Following the loss of his wife, Patricia, Dick shares how this journey allowed him to confront his grief and embrace life anew. He emphasizes the importance of travel and physical activity in coping with life’s changes, highlighting the camaraderie among diverse pilgrims he met along the way.

Click HERE to access the recording and more information about the highly engaging presentation.
Posted: 10/18/2024

The evening reception and the onboard ceremony, originally scheduled for 22 and 23 Oct, respectively, have been rescheduled to 18 and 19 Nov.
Sharon and Charlie Votava (17th Company) will host the evening gathering on Monday evening 18 Nov, probably the same time, 1600 to 1900. Details at later date. The onboard ceremony will be held on Tuesday 19 Nov as originally scheduled 1000 to 1300.

1. For all those who planned to attend the 22 and 23 Oct events please RSVP to me no later than Wednesday 30 Oct to confirm you will still attend or not attend either or both events on 18 and 19 Nov.
2. If any other Classmates would like to attend the onboard ceremony 19 Nov and any Classmates and widows would like to attend the reception at our home on 18 Nov, the reservations are reopened. Please RSVP to me (Charlie) no later than Wed, 30 Oct and include the number who will attend.
DATE CHANGE for USS GONZALEZ Leadership Awards

Based upon a delay in their maintenance period, and a rescheduled U/W period, GONZALEZ requested us to change the date for the Leadership Awards ceremony to November. As you are aware, it is our policy not to interfere with Ship’s routine and to accommodate any changes to their schedule.
The revised date for the ceremony is Tuesday, 19 November 2024.
15 Oct: Richard Plotkin’s 500 mile pilgrimage
Posted: 10/9/2024

October 2025 marks the 5th anniversary of Classmate Richard Plotkin’s (11th Company) 500 mile foot pilgrimage across France’s Pyrenees Mountains to Santiago de Compostela, Spain: the Camino de Santiago. Richard’s wife of 52 years, Pat, died suddenly the year before this journey of remembrance, assessment and discovery of a way forward.
Dick has offered to share his physical and spiritual journey with us during a ZOOM session on Tuesday 15 October at 2 PM ET. Richard, who has now remarried, will do more than “talk the walk”, as he takes us on both his physical journey and the digital blog he operated during his travels.
The pilgrimage to the Spanish shrine of the apostle St. James is one of the major Christian paths developed during the middle ages for a variety of religious reasons. Background for the walk can be found on the internet for those interested in its history. Today the 200,000 plus who make the walk each year have various motivations for participation that go beyond religious.
This presentation is being offered as part of the Class Wellness program for its focus upon travel, physical activity and addressing major life changes and will be recorded, as usual.
Lucky Bags Available
Anyone interested in obtaning a ’64, ’65 or ’66 Lucky Bag, contact Josh Quigley, son of Tim (’67) at

Important Update from Prez
Posted: 10/8/2024
Class of 1966 Class President, Jim Long (14th Company), announced an important update on a Class project recogizing Honorary Classmate, Nunna Spikes (Clay Spikes, 29th Company). Click HERE for more information.

Did You Know?

Pete Hesser (27th Company) recently visited the Yard and noticed the pictured plaque on the front of the Navy Chapel. It was to commemorate one of our Class projects from 2001.
Visit the “History” page on this website for this and other projects sponsored by the Great Class of 1966.
Wreaths Across America
Posted: 9/30/2024
As we approach the holiday season, we are preparing to once again honor our fallen heroes through the Wreaths Across America initiative at the Unites States Naval Academy on Friday, 13 December 2024.

Wreaths Across America is a national effort to remember and pay tribute to the men and women who have served and sacrificed for our country. By laying wreaths on the graves of our nation’s veterans, we remind their families and the world that we will never forget their service and sacrifice. At the Naval Academy, we take immense pride in being a part of this heartfelt tradition.

To make this event possible, we rely on the generosity of individuals like you to sponsor wreaths. Your donation ensures that each veteran laid to rest at the Academy is honored with a wreath. Every donation, large or small makes a significant difference in helping us achieve this goal.
Wreaths are $17 each
To Donate, click on this link:
All are welcome to the wreath laying on Friday December 13, 2024 at 0900. You may sign up to volunteer for this event on that same link, by doing so you will get the latest information as to the time and parking.
Or mail check to: Wreaths Across America
PO Box 249
Columbia Falls, ME 04623
Write MD0011 on the memo line of your check for USNA to get credit.
Thank you for your help, we cannot accomplish this without your donations.
Carol and Bob “Bubba” Turman ’81
Coordinators, Wreaths Across America USNA
2430 Kemper Rd
Crofton, MD 21114
c-443-336-6541 (Carol)
’66 Wives/Widows Invited to VA Q&A
Posted: 9/13/2024
Wednesday, September 18 at 2 pm ET
The Class of 1966 Wives and Widows are invited to a special Zoom meeting on Wednesday, September 18 at 2 pm East Coast time. It will be a question & answer session about the Veterans Administration (not a presentation) for wives/widows associated with the Classes of ’65 and ’66.
- To participate, contact Mitch Henderson (Class of 1965) at Mitch will be hosting the informative discussion. He will send the zoom link.
- Please send any questions in advance to Mitch.

NOTE: these images are of the new League of Wives Memorial at Star Park, Coronado, CA. This memorial is the first public monument in the country to honor military spouses. For more information, Click HERE.
USNA Class of 1966's 60th Reunion (1-4 Oct 2026)
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