We thank the many Classmates who have joined in our Tuesday 2 PM ET Zoom sessions since 2020. Although these weekly Zoom sessions started before the COVID pandemic, as a substitute for the class’s Thursday morning breakfasts in Annapolis, the number of Classmates participating has continued to increase to include Classmates all around the country (and beyond).  Also, Class of 2016 Classmates are welcome to join as they are our “50-year link in the chain.”

Those Classmates not yet on the Zoom email list should send an email to Charlie Jones and ask to be added. You will start to receive emails that include information on discussion topics, usually topics “in the news” that may be of interest. The Zoom sessions are very easy to join, with one click on your computer, tablet, or smart phone. We usually discuss any topic of interest, but we try to stay away from politics and religion. 

We also have occasional presentations led by knowledgeable Classmates and friends of the Class.  “Wellness” and general health or retirement topics are popular, as are military topics of interest. Other topics have included Comms & Spies, Surface Navy, Boing-Sailing, Apple Vision – EVs, Medals, Subs Sunk and much more. Again, to get on the Classmate Zoom email distribution list, simply send an email to Charlie at technidigm@gmail.com.

Classmates’ wives and significant others also established their own Zoom group, led by Ginny Jones. The ladies’ Zoom now meets online the first and third Wednesdays of each month, at 4 PM ET.  The widows of Classmates have also established a widow’s monthly Zoom, led by Linda McCook, the 1st Monday of each month at 4 PM ET.  All our ladies are encouraged to join the ladies’ Zoom sessions. There is no problem going online and joining a Zoom session, as it only takes one click (on a link in the reminder email) to get started, then follow the simple directions.