News, Events & More

HUE CITY Leadership Award Ceremony 14 July

Posted: 6/15/2022

The Class of 1966 Enlisted Leadership Award will be presented on Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 1030 on board USS HUE CITY at the Norfolk Naval Station. Scott Redd will make the presentation on behalf of The Class.

The tentative agenda will be arrival on board HUE CITY about 1000, ceremony on the helo deck at 1030, and heat and humidity permitting, a final and brief tour of our adopted Lady – USS HUE CITY. After the tour, the CO and Crew of HUE CITY will host a buffet luncheon at their ashore facilities.

HUE CITY will be decommissioned on or about 30 Sep 2022 so this will be the last Leadership Award presented to a HUE CITY Shipmate. She is being retired after 31 years of service.

For questions and/or to attend, please contact Chuck Grutzius at or Charlie Votava, our POC in the Tidewater area at

Class President Shares COCP Minutes

Posted: 5/2/2022

Carl Fulford posted the minutes from the Spring Council of Class Presidents (COCP) meeting. Sam Marrone represented ’66 at the meeting and presented a Brief on Foundation Athletic and Scholarship Programs (A&SP). Click HERE to access the minutes and other information from Carl to the Class of 1966.

55th +1 Reunion Registration NOW OPEN

Posted: 2/15/2022

All USNA ’66 Classmates are encouraged to attend our 55th (+1) Reunion 1-4 September in Annapolis. The Reunion Committee has been working hard to create an event that gives Classmates and their loved ones the opportunity to experience everything that was great about the Academy experience. Click HERE for reunion details, registration link and more.

Key Messages for Alumni – Winter 2022

Posted: 1/19/2022

The following key messages and talking points on specific topics of interest to USNA alumni during the Winter 2022 timeframe are authorized for use by senior Alumni Association/Foundation leadership (CEO, Executive VPs for Engagement/Comms/Marketing, etc.) to alumni only, on behalf of the U.S. Naval Academy Superintendent.

Topics include:

  • Widespread cheating on December 2020 Physics exam
  • Painting Tecumseh/Tamanend
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Attrition
  • Naming Commission

Click HERE to download a copy of the Winter 2022 USNA Talking Points on High-Interest Topics.

Admissions Stats, Minority Association Review

Posted: 12/14/2021

Class President, Carl Fulford, shares interesting briefs from the USNA Alumni Association including admissions statistics, trends and challenges, and the annual review of the Naval Academy Minority Association achievements.
Click HERE to access the briefs as well as other information from Carl.

Key Outcomes from Council of Class Presidents

Posted: 12/9/2021

Click HERE to read the Supe’s Brief and draft minutes from the Fall 2021 Council of Class Presidents. Also, interestingly, we’ve included a Brief on Hopper Hall, a legacy project of the great Class of 1966.

Carl Fulford issues Fall Letter to update Class of 1966

Posted: 12/6/2021

Click HERE to access Carl’s letter describing USNA happenings including facilities, athletics and much more.

Tampa COMEAROUND a HUGE success!

Posted: 11/2/2021

Bravo Zulu to Waye & Lynne Lynn and Mike and Elliott Smith for a fantastic Comearound in Tampa, Florida 27-29 October. Their perseverance and hard work definitely paid off as all in attendance had a fantastic time. More to follow but in the interim, Click HERE for initial photos.

Please note, if others have additional pictures of the Comearound they would like to share, please email them to

Class Presents GONZALEZ Leadership Awards

Posted: 11/1/2021

Click HERE for photos and a brief write-up of the USS GONZALEZ Leadership Awards ceremony that was held 21 September in Norfolk.

Preparing a Spouse for Survivorship: Time-sensitive resource

Posted: 10/12/2021

NEW Webcast: Preparing a Spouse for Survivorship
Is your spouse prepared if you predecease her? Does she know what notifications need to be made, and to who? What about understanding the benefit programs that may apply to a survivor?

Visit the Resources page on this website – scroll down to the new Survivor Benefits information in RED and click on the link to the webcast. Please note: this webcast will only be available through early November, 2021.

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